TEVTA Jobs, Principal, Chief Instructor, Instructor, Lab Instructor

Government of the Punjab
Technical hducaUon aid Vocational 1 raining Authority (TEVTA) is a Special Institution under the Govt, of the Punjab, It is present!) managing more than 483 institutions spread through out the Province of the Punjab. It requires dedicated, competent and dynamic professionals domiciled in Punjab, to fill up the following position under approved TEVTA Scrvicc Regulations

Addttxai benefit for Gradate Engineer BS-17 fl RslO.OOO/- p.m. and BS-18 @ Rs.l5.0W- P.M.

No TA/DA will bt paid lo the candidates appearing lor interview

Incnmpfcte ipplicaoBS will not he queilauicd Only short-listed candidates will be called for interviews

TEVIA reserves tk nght to mcreatc or decrease the number of vacancies, not to fill any post withhold the apjwntratnt agsnst any advertised post without assgBBg am reason

In case of large Viof applicants fnr the post of Director/Principal, written test will bt cctKkted

Written test will he hdd fa all the posts ofnadnng staff The test will be subject based ORE type

Ail s»ch appomtracas will be sutxminaituuji specific

Compaaer literacy is lausl for all posts Three Months computer cenificMe from rcputMe otstnule is raaateory to be mdted with the

application where araputer TT is not pan of academic qualification. Computer Literacy test will he conducted for the posts of PS-14 to

PS-16 (M S Wad. Power Poal and bed)_

Graduate 1 ngjneers shall provide attested copy of PEC Registration as mandacufy requirement

Candidas pissed the degree under GPA/CGPA system are advised to obtain %age certificate tram the ccooawd university if their %iff obumed is n« mnilMied in the Degree / Transcript OR Attach the university %agc/GPA grading system with the application (printed mnstiy on bfci side of ongual degrce/transaipt) otherwise application will be rejeaei_



Govt. Institute of HVACR Technology, Behind Moti Mahal Cinema, Tipu Road. Rawalpidi Tele.No. 051/5950293 Site: www.tevta.gon.pk


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